What is my artistic approach ?

Attracted to the world of visual arts since a young age, I have explored various artistic expressions over time. My studies in architecture have profoundly influenced my understanding of creativity in a visual context. Since then, my creation has unfolded in different artistic forms, whether through architecture, interior design, or the creation of clothing and fashion accessories. More recently, since 2019, I have been fully engaged in developing my artistic practice, actively exploring the possibilities offered by cotton canvas and paper.

My approach highlights the balance between spontaneity and structure that daily life brings. I use different mediums such as acrylic, watercolor, charcoal, and oil pastel to create a harmonious balance between textures and colors. Through my works, I strive to capture the subtle harmony between these two forces at play, thus creating a visual dialogue between the instinctive and the orderly. Indeed, in each of my works, there is a unifying line that connects all the stages of my artistic process.

Spontaneity represents the raw expression of my emotions and thoughts, liberated from any preconceived constraints. On the other hand, the structure I draw from daily life acts as a framework, a canvas that gives shape and coherence to my creative impulses.

My intention is to provoke reflection on the duality of daily life, inviting the viewer to discover the beauty that resides in this delicate coexistence and to appreciate the richness created by the blend of spontaneity and structure.